Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Deviled Eggs

I was looking for a recipe for deviled eggs that combined all of our tastes that we like in a deviled egg without relish.  I came up empty handed (if it's already out there I didn't find it).  So I came up with this:

6 hard boiled eggs, shells removed, eggs halved
3 Tablespoons mayonnaise (homemade)
1 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
4 dashes Frank's Red Hot sauce
1/8 teaspoon salt
dash ground black pepper
pinch paprika
1/2 teaspoon dill
pinch garlic powder
1/4 t. onion powder
sprinkle celery seed

optional garnishments: sliced green onions or chives, dusting of paprika, sprinkling of dill

For the filling, remove the yolks from your hard-boiled, halved eggs.  Place yolks and remaining ingredients in a bowl and mix well.  If it seems too dry, add a teaspoon of additional mayo at a time until desired cinsistancy is reached.  Place egg filling in a ziploc bag and squeeze to the corner.  twist the bag above the filling and cut the corner off the bag.  Pipe into hardboiled egg halves.  Garnish as desired.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday School Lesson December 2014 'How can I become a better leader?'

Assignments for the kids that were given last week for this week's lesson, to be discussed in the order listed below:
  1. Prepare to share an experience of Christ-like leadership, how it affected you or others OR an experience of UN-Christ-like leadership and how it affected you or others. 
  2. Think of someone you know who is a Christ-like leader.  Prepare to share with the class some of the attributes you've noticed they posess that help them in their leadership role. 
  3. Please read Exodus 18: 13-26.  Prepare to share a summary with the class of what you read and at least one idea of how you can apply it to your own life. (Leaders train others, delegate responsibility putting some responsibility on others).  
  4. Read Matthew 20:20-28, Matthew 23:11, D&C 50:26 and tell us what these scriptures are telling us a leader should do. (Great leaders serve those we lead).   
  5. Read John 13:4-15, 3 Nephi 18:16, 3 Nephi 27:21, 27 and tell us what Jesus Christ is saying in these scriptures. (He is our perfect example).  
  6. Read D&C 121:34-46 and make a list to share with the class of some of the principles of righteous leadership as outlined in these scriptures. (virtuous, chaste, confident, depends on God, sincere, faithful, dependable, charitable, unselfish, honorable, righteous, honors the priesthood, humble, honest, loving, patient, meek, kind, knowledgeable, understanding.) 
Game: HOTSEAT Divide kids into two teams.  A member from each team sits (in the hotseat) in front of the chalkboard with their back to the chalkboard.  Teacher writes an attribute or principle of a righteous leader on the board.  The team members try to get their representative to guess the word without using the word.  If a team member says the word before the teammate in the hotseat guesses the word, a point goes to the opposing team.  The first team member in the hotseat to guess the word gets the point and a new team member rotates into each hotseat.

Challenge: to focus on an attribute they could develop to become a better leader. 

Being a leader is HARD WORK.
I follow the example of Jesus Christ.
I am…
an example

D&C 121:34-46, Exodus 18:13-26,
Matt. 23:11

Sunday School Lessons

The hubs and I have been team teaching 12 and 13 year olds' Sunday School lessons for a couple of months now.  It's hard work finding ideas for the new curriculum, so I thought I would post ideas here so I can come back to them when I need some fresh ideas.

There was a poll posted on Huffalumps and Woozles that I use and have the kids fill out at the end of each month.  It helps us to understand the interests of the kids and what would be most useful for them to hear, since there are more lessons available that can be taught in one month.

We also have scriptures and other assignments for each child in the class so that they are somewhat prepared to contribute during class the following Sunday.  We make each assignment small, they share what they read (if they remember) and discuss how it applies to the topic. It has really encouraged more discussion and interaction from the kids.  Games and treats also keep their interest, so we're working on collecting more ideas that contribute to the lesson without detracting from the Spirit.  We also tried to issue a challenge for the week inspired by the lesson and follow up on it the next week, but there wasn't much positive response to it.  This month we're trying to issue one challenge for the month with several choices of how to fulfill that challenge.  We'll see if we get a better response this month. Listed below are ideas to try or ones that we've tried and have worked well.

JANUARY: 'The Godhead'
FEBRUARY: 'The Plan of Salvation'
MARCH: 'The Atonement of Jesus Christ'
APRIL: 'The Apostasy and the Restoration'
MAY: 'Prophets and Revelation'

Game Ideas: Personal Revelation
JUNE: 'Priesthood and Priesthood Keys'
JULY: 'Ordinances and Covenants'
AUGUST: 'Marriage and Family'
SEPTEMBER: 'Commandments'
OCTOBER: 'Becoming More Christ-like'
NOVEMBER: 'Spiritual and Temporal Self-Reliance'
DECEMBER: 'Building the Kingdom of God in the Latter Days'