Sunday, May 14, 2017

Here's To Good Health!

I'm a health fanatic.  I love to read about it, study what others are doing, try new health invoking things.  I've learned so much over the years, and have live a much healthier lifestyle than the average American.

I get lots of snide comments, sideways glances, and I often feel judged for making healthy lifestyle choices.

But I have a little secret. I don't feel good.  That is my motivator behind my interest in health, my interest in educating myself.  And I have three out of four children with digestive difficulties. I actually ignored my own feelings of unwellness until my first child with digestive issues was struggling.  I knew how it felt to not feel well all of the time.  So I made it my personal mission to help him avoid feeling like I do.  In the process I have learned so much about my own personal health as well.

So others can judge away.  I don't think I'm too fat, I lack energy and sugary foods rob my energy.

I don't think I'm better than you because I eat organic and read food labels, my stomach doesn't like pesticides and I think organic foods just taste better, a little closer to garden grown.  

I don't avoid gluten and dairy to be trendy, I avoid gluten and dairy because I experience horrible stomach pain when I consume them.

And for those that judge me after reading this when I eat a bowl of regular ice cream, thinking that maybe I am just making it all up, just know that I will pay for it in a few hours, but sometimes I miss not participating in something as simple as enjoying a bowl of regular ice cream.

May we all respect and support each other in our choices regarding our own personal health and lifestyle choices, for better or worse.

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