Thursday, April 5, 2012

Filing Simplified

We have a new HOUSEHOLD filing method that works fantastic for eliminating the infamous "paper shuffle."  Before adopting Betty Meyer's household filing system, I had the ever-growing pile of papers that we needed for one reason or another, but that would get moved from one place to the next as I 'cleaned' an area, or got tired of the paper clutter in the area it was currently in, to be set aside until it was needed.  BUT by the time we got around to doing whatever needed to be done with those papers, more were added to the pile, so it was never GONE.  I came up with a 'winner' of an idea for containing this clutter pile in a basket.  The problem was that my pile got so big that it literally went from a bowl sized basket to a full-sized laundry basket!  This new household filing method eliminates the need for counter top paper piles, and makes them so easily accessible that I have been amazed at how tidy our counter tops have stayed.
The method requires a filing cabinet, OR a filing cube (found at Walmart or Target for around $10), OR a portable filing cabinet (around $15-$20 at Walmart or Target), OR an oversized envelope with dividers.  We have all four that serve different purposes, but we use the front portion of the filing cabinet for our household filing.

We have eight hanging file folders with a manila file folder in each.  Each of these hanging files is labeled for a day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) and the manila folder matches that day.  The eighth hanging file is labeled MISCELLANEOUS.  As our papers come in I file them in the hanging folder corresponding to the day I would use or take care of that paper.  An example would be bills.  Bills are filed under 'THURSDAY' for finances.  Another example might be a school schedule sent home with our daughter, also filed under 'THURSDAY' for scheduling.  When I find a recipe I would like to try it gets filed under 'WEDNESDAY,' or when I find a cleaning tip on Pinterest, I file it under 'MONDAY' to try out while clenaing.  Food coupons are set in the 'WEDNESDAY' file for consideration when meal planning, then moved to 'THURSDAY' for finances. 

I have time set aside each day to go through the file for that particular day.  I also throw notes in there of other things I notice need to be done, but would be accomplished better on a different day (i.e. I'm cleaning on Monday and notice that our son's closet has more clothes that are too small for him hanging up than that actually fit him.  Rather than making a mental note that I'm bound to forget, I write it down and slip that piece of paper into the Tuesday file, for 'Laundry Day.') 

It may sound confusing, but it simplifies everything.  I don't get preoccupied with doing something that's not on my task list for the day, which ensures that my task list gets completed, but I don't feel guilty for not doing other things I notice need to be done, because I know it'll get done on a day when I'm zoned in on accomplishing it.  Everything has found it's place. 

Organizing Tip: For an evening I know I 'm going to be extra busy, I plan for a simple meal or left-overs.  I am a part time bookkeeper, and I go to work for a full day on Thursdays, so I'm not left with much time for anything on this day, let alone meals.  Today is a day I planned for left-overs when making my menu plan.

1 comment:

  1. You're right. It does sound confusing but it WORKS!!
