Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday School Teaching Helps

  • Missionary stories and real life experiences
  • Conference Addresses
  • Scripture References
  • Preach My Gospel
  • "deep thoughts"/ conversation starters
  • topic cards for study circles
  • Teaching/ study assignments for students
  • Weekly challenges
  • Interactive journals
  • Take home quotes
Make it interesting by:
  • Making two people 'companions' for studying (like missionaries)
  • Split into groups by dividing the class with an imaginary line, dividing by counting off (1-2-1-2) and grouping the ones together and the twos together (or count off by 3's if 3 groups are needed)
  • Playing a game that challenges them to understand the topic better, contribute to the lesson, or apply the principle.
  • Rearranging the seating
  • Use "groups" or "companions" to study a portion of the lesson during class time and share what they have learned with the rest of the class.

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