Saturday, August 17, 2013

Rendering Animal Fat (Lard, Tallow)

lard or tallow

Place lard or tallow (suet) in a pot.  Melt on medium heat.  Cook on medium heat 1-3 hours or until small pieces of meat are extremely brown beyond being edible.  Pour hot oil into jars.  Wipe jar mouth immediately and place canning lid on jar (if any fat residue remains between the glass and the canning lid it will not seal).  The jars of fat will self-seal if placed on the counter.  I place a towel on the counter and the jars on the towel.  Following the same protocol as regular canning there shouldn't be any cool are directed at the jars. Any jars that don't seal can be put in the refrigerator for an indefinate amount of time until used.  After a jar has been opened for use it should be returned to the refrigerator until it's consumed.

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