Monday, April 6, 2015

Home Health Remedies that work for us

Pink Eye- 1:1 ratio of homogenized milk and honey.  Warm 1/2 teaspoon honey in a glass bowl until warm and a thin liquid consistency.  Add milk and stir until thoroughly blended.  If the milk curdles and can't be thoroughly blended, throw it out and try again.  Once a good thorough blend is achieved, use a sterile spoon (fresh from the dishwasher or boiled) and drip some of the mixture on the inside of the wrist for a temperature test.  It should feel neither warm, nor cold.  If it is too warm but the milk hasn't curdled, re-test in one minute intervals until the desired temperature is reached.  If the mixture is too cold, return it to the oven in the glass bowl in one minute increments and re-test at each interval until the desired temperature is reached. Drip mixture into each eye, one drop at a time.  Massage the closed eye gently after each drop until the sting is gone.  Repeat two more times for a total of three drops in each eye, three times daily.  Check progress by pulling down the lower eyelid to gauge the inflammation of the tissue.  Continue treatment one full day after inflammation appears to be completely gone.  Check progress before treatment because the treatment causes brief irritation of the eye that can appear to be inflammation.  Treatment is generally 3 days, but can be longer if the condition of the eye is really bad.  "Eye boogers" or "gunk" bubbling up during or after treatment is normal and a good sign that the treatment is working and ridding the eye of infection.

Viral Sicknesses (Flu, colds, etc.): FLU BOMB- 4 drops lemon Do-Terra essential oil, 2 drops oregano Do-Terra essential oil, 2 drops on-guard Do-Terra essential oil, 2 drops melelueca Do-Terra essential oil.  Mix in a roller-ball dispenser and apply sparingly to bottoms of feet and behind ears.  Irritation may occur if used too frequently for a long period of time.  Can be diluted by rubbing olive oil or coconut oil on the bottoms of the feet and behind the ear before application of the essential oil mixture.  Check warning labels for each essential oil before using on young children, infants, and the elderly.

Persistent coughs/ runny noses- Runny noses can be caused by dry nasal passages caused by weather or wood burning stoves or allergies.  The body creates undesirable fluid to moisten the nose resulting in a runny nose.  Persistent coughs are often caused by the undesirable fluid traveling down the back of the throat resulting in the desire to cough.  If not cared for the undesirable fluid can progress to nasal infections and even pneumonia or bronchitis as it can become a breeding ground for bad bacteria.  Simply wiping the inside of the nostril with extra virgin olive oil on a well-saturated cotton swab is an easy and inexpensive remedy.  It can be repeated as often as necessary without any negative side effects and is perfectly safe for infants.  Make sure to swab only immediately inside the nostril and not into the nasal cavity.  Make sure the oil is only making contact with the skin inside the nostril and not dripping into the nasal cavity.  If nasal or cough discharge is yellow or greenish in color, infection has begun to settle in and is too far advanced for this to remedy the cough or runny nose by itself.

Chest coughs- Mullein tea.  Crush the leaves of dried mullein (found at the nearest health food store if not found in your's more common than you think).  Boil 8 oz. water.  Remove from heat.  Add 1-2 Tablespoons crushed, dried mullein leaves.  Allow to steep for 5-10 minutes.  Add lemon (detoxifying and tasty), raw honey (soothing, tasty, anti-bacterial), ginger, cinnamon to taste.  If you don't have any of the extras the mullein is still effective on its own.

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