Friday, April 6, 2012

Beautiful Day To Be Outdoors!

Have I mentioned that I have a household binder? It was inspired by a pin off Pinterest (LOVE this blog), but mine is MUCH smaller since I utilize the filing cabinet quite a bit.  I have been the recipient of some jokes for my household binder, but I just grin right along with them because they have no idea what they're missing!

My household binder has a 'Week at Glance' sheet at the front with a daily task list in addition to the tasks assigned to a specific day of the week.  Unfortunately, dishes still have to be done every day, I still "tidy" the house each day, animals have to be fed every day, etc. and these things make up the 'daily' part of my task list (and yes, I type those in.  It might seem crazy, but there are times when so much needs to be accomplished that I forget to feed the animals!  They go all day without food until Josh gets home late in the evening, and then I feel so guilty!)  I write in other things as they come up (meetings, appointments, other obligations)and it has helped a TON.  Once I write it down I can forget about it until the day arrives (if it needs some type of preparation the day before I write that in too!).  Another great thing about having a customized "Week at a Glance" sheet is that I don't have to write in all of my weekly repeats.  I type it, copy it, and I'm done (other than a few write ins).  It keeps me on track.
I didn't accomplish anything huge today, but I did get everything on my task list completed again (except mowing the lawn because I couldn't get the mower started) and that is such a great feeling compared to the frustration I usually feel by the end of the week. 

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