Monday, April 9, 2012

Organizing Mayhem

My daily task list on my "Week At A Glance" sheet includes a time for daily planning and this is where I pull it all together for easy reference throughout the day.
  I have a 'dry erase' board I made out of an old picture frame that I painted black.  The 'picture' has an hourly planning space, notes space, and a 'To Do' list.   I use my dry erase marker to write in appointments first, then chore times.  I even schedule in time with my kids.  I do have to be flexible with it, but it allows me to see that I DO have time to stop and play with my children instead of cleaning all day and being a slave to my task list.  As I complete something I erase it.  It's so nice to see any empty board instead of a crossed off list.
A busy Easter weekend with two late evenings in a row and two kids = mayhem!  Before using "The Creation Plan," after a weekend like this one I would have been grumpy, wishing I believed in setting my kids in front of a television so I could get things done. 
HOWEVER... with complete confidence in "the system"  I was able to calm myself before grumpiness took over, assuring myself that all would be in order in it's time.  We were able to get everything on the task list completed, plus read some books, have some Mommy/ Daughter time while the car oil was changed (who made that appointment for the day after Easter anyway?...Oh, that's right, it was me), a little bit of FHE time, and even a family movie!  What a great day!
Happy Hint: The laundry basket for my miscellaneous odds and ends didn't work, but it works great for our six year old daughter. I use our laundry basket to walk around the house and collect all of her little toys, hair accessories, shoes, books, money, Easter eggs =), etc. This declutters the house amazingly fast for me and is less overwhelming for her. Her "task" is narrowed to one location (which minimizes distractions) and gets put away incredibly fast as opposed to just giving her the assignment of picking up her things throughout the house.

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