Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Putting it all together...

Monday: Organizing and Cleaning
Tuesday: Stock and Laundry
Wednesday: Food
Thursday: Planning and Finances
Friday: Animals and Outdoors
Saturday: Personal Care and Fun Stuff!
Sunday: A Day of Rest

The whole idea behind organizing your week like this is so you don't have to think about it the rest of the week.  Only one day each week for laundry might seem crazy, but it totally works!  That laundry basket that never seems to go away and constantly nags at you with half folded (on a good day) laundry, is only out ONE DAY EACH WEEK!!  That alone was worth this huge change.

We love a clean house, but we felt like all we did was clean!  Here we've worked so hard to have Mom stay at home with the kids, but for what?  To clean?  No way!  But can Mom stand to stay at home in a dirty house?  Just as emphatically, no way!  This solves both... we have a clean house (most of the time), but Mom still spends lots of time with kids and everyone is happy (most of the time).

Things get DONE on this schedule and there's still plenty of time for finishing projects, not just starting them.

I think I'm done blogging for the evening, but I'll be back to share specifics on each day of how to be further organized, including meal planning, filing, getting rid of clutter piles, and most importantly, getting rid of the PAPER shuffle!

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