Tuesday, April 3, 2012

So on Mondays...

We took a little twist on Betty's interpretation of how to do things, but we've clung to her basic ideas.  We're going to share how we do Mondays...

Monday is "Organizing/ Cleaning" day.  We have kept the organizing and cleaning order that Betty suggests just because it really works.  She suggests you do it in this order for visual motivating purposes (it LOOKS cleaner faster) and because if someone drops in, it looks cleaner to them too!


Straighten the House
Dump Garbages
Elminate Clutter Piles (more on what to do with those piles in another post)

Dust every room (pictures, blinds, knick-knacks, wall hangings, etc.)
Vacuum/ Sweep/ Mop (in this order)
Wash mirrors
Clean Bathrooms (counters, sinks, tubs, showers, toilets)
Clean Kitchen (counters, sinks)
Wash windowsills, light switches, doorknobs
Wipe down spiderwebs
Wash windows (I have to admit this doesn't get done as often as it should...I've usually run out of energy by the time I get to this and would rather complete a project since the windows get dirty the first time the wind blows)

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